by Dena | Sep 14, 2017 | Inspiration from Dena, Leaving Smallness, Step Into Greatness
How to crush fear forever! Are you sick and tired of fear running your life or keeping you from big dreams? Good news, the thing that is keeping fear in place (your smallness voice) can be crushed with some mindfulness and discipline. The two biggest things that we...
by Dena | Apr 12, 2017 | Leaving Smallness, Winning The Greatness Game
Before you can get to winning your greatness games, we have to UNlearn and UNbelieve our smallness voice. I’ve been teaching this process to leaders and entrepreneurs since 2001 to help them achieve their wildest dreams. But the process can work for EVERYONE....
by Dena | Aug 16, 2014 | Leaving Smallness
Today is simply about your greatness. Do you have days where you find yourself overwhelmed, distracted, confused or frozen? That is the handy work of smallness. It’s job is to keep you small, safe and comfortable so it can keep control over you. It’ job...
by Dena | Jun 8, 2013 | Inspiration from Dena, Leaving Smallness
For those who are experiencing a ‘smallness attack’ today… Dear God, Please help me release any smallness I’m in right now. I feel deflated and small and I can’t find my greatness anywhere. I need help to refocus my eyes on the huge amounts of...
by Dena | May 21, 2013 | Leaving Smallness, Step Into Greatness
Today is the time to stop believing your smallness. Just the other day I overheard two women who were clearly in their smallness and it just broke my heart. I want to scream from the mountain tops ‘STOP BELIEVING YOUR SMALLNESS LADIES!’. I can get sad very...
by Dena | Feb 25, 2013 | Leaving Smallness
As I finish writing my book Igniting Greatness I am so present to the two distinctions and how impactful they are on my personal life. If I rewound my life 15 years and knew what I know now my life would be drastically different. The biggest thing I wish I knew as a...