by Dena | Dec 24, 2015 | Inspiration from Dena, Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness
Tip #3: Learn Sales Skills. Why? Because business owners don’t GET a paycheck they CREATE a paycheck. Your business revenue relies on your ability to market and sell your products or services, and if your ability to sell your good would get a D or F grade then...
by Dena | Dec 23, 2015 | Inspiration from Dena, Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness
Tip #2: Know what game you are playing. You might be winning, but winning at what? I have a saying, “you are always winning the game you are playing”, so you better know what games you are playing. If you don’t know the TRUE game in your...
by Dena | Dec 22, 2015 | Inspiration from Dena, Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness
Tip #1: Pay Yourself A Paycheck. One of my biggest tips to business owners is to pay yourself the same amount each paycheck (like you are on salary) and have the check automatically deposit into your personal account on the same date 2 times a month. Whether...
by Dena | Nov 27, 2015 | Greatness Marketing, Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness
We all love the freedom of being an entrepreneur, but the scary part is that you have to generate your own paycheck. Every single week! There’s no showing up and getting paid because you are on the corporate payroll. Which means, not only, do you have to have a...
by Dena | Jun 17, 2015 | Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness, Welcome and Other Inspiration
Today it’s all about baby steps that will bring you explosive growth! I am a believer that BIG things happen when you are on purpose everyday with your baby steps. I’m so blessed and honored to work with some amazing women CEO’s worldwide, but every year I get a...
by Dena | Jan 28, 2015 | Playing BIG - Share Your Greatness
One of the biggest things I always say is that your business mirrors you, so when you are in flow then your business is in flow. When you are stuck then your business is stuck. That is, until your business is FULLY off of you and big enough that your stuckness...