I believe that success is scheduled and you can’t schedule things if you don’t have a plan.
We are all super busy and most things on our to-do list won’t get done unless we schedule them in our week ON a specific time. Plan your work and work your plan! So I would encourage you to have 3 huge, main goals for the year, and back track all the plans, projects and tasks you need to do to make those 3 things happen. Once you have 3 goals and a master list of all the items you need to do then you can put a PLAN together to assign those tasks to a day/week/month in the year. Once you have a plan you can discern what you want to keep on your list and what you want to delegate. Divide and conquer! Without a plan we are subject to everyone else’s needs, requests and pull on our time and we get ‘nothing done’. So get focused and create a plan for your success, revenue and happiness it will make a huge difference. I promise.
Day 4 of 10! Follow this countdown to 2016 with postings from 12/22-12/31 on my blog at www.DenaPatton.com
Need help staying in your greatness everyday?
Check out my new book The Greatness Game here.
Dena’s passion is to help women entrepreneurs structure, market and lead their business to the next level of greatness and revenue. Let’s start today.
- Connect with me on Facebook here for her daily inspirations.
- 8 crucial questions to plan your business growth click here.
- Enjoy Dena’s free Gratitude Journal and more free downloads here.
- Want to work with me? Book a free 30 minute session on this subject to see if we are a fit – schedule here.