Take the ‘8 Areas Quiz’ below
1. Answer the questions honestly
2. Track your answers to the following 8 questions to see if you say ‘yes’ or ‘no’
#1. Greatness vision: Do I work from the greatness, values and vision for my company, and ensure they are being fulfilled on all of these *8 areas of business (*see graphic below)?
IF you do not, then here are a few helpful questions to ask yourself: Do I stop unhealthy/workaholic behavior to become the leader, person and world changer I’ve always wanted to be? Do I have laser focus on my business plan so that I don’t get distracted? Do I have systems and support to stay in my greatness and lead powerfully each day so fear/doubt/smallness don’t win? Do I hire, fire and lead from my values? Do I work with people who support my vision, or do I work with people or distract me from my vision? Do I know how I will handle breakdowns, crisis, employee issues, and challenges? Do I have accountability measures so that I lead from my greatest self? Do I know my purpose and my vision? Do I train and lead my contractors/employees with intention and use their talents well? Do I create a culture that people love working in/for?
#2. Financials: Am I responsible for the sales, funding and the financials each month?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: Do I hold myself to a revenue standard? Am I building a ‘hobby’ or am I serious about building a great company with the revenue I want? Am I scaling or growing my business intentionally? Do I have a clear tracking system for my financials? Do I review the financials every month and course correct accordingly? Have I created a have a clear sales pipeline? Do I know when to bring outside funding in? Am I playing big and focusing on what makes money and what doesn’t? Have I created/explored any passive income opportunities? Do I have a system for accounts receivables and never have to chase money?
#3. Marketing: Do I ongoingly create and maintain clear marketing strategies for my business growth online and offline?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: do I have powerful marketing materials that ‘land’ well for my ideal market? Are my marketing materials well branded? Do they convey my tangible product/service and my intangibles too? Do I have a clear brand identity and a clear brand promise that is throughout my marketing? Am I active in being the spokesperson for my company in media and PR? Is my marketing effective and leads people to buy? Do I have a clear marketing system that I work weekly? Do I know how to generate leads? Do I have a clear consultation system? Do my potential customers know that they need my solutions? Do I know how to have an ‘attraction conversation’ to qualify my leads? Do I have clear marketing partners or referral partners? Do I have a networking plan with my ideal customers? Do I use an editorial calendar for my content marketing?
#4. Target Market: Do I attract the ideal customers and the ideal amount of customers?
IF you do not, then here are a few questions to ask yourself: Do I know WHO my ideal customers is? Do I know how to find my ideal customer? Do I know how to talk to them such that they know what solutions I have? Do they love buying from me? Do I have the systems & structures to attract, convert and serve this ideal customer? Does my ideal customer know they need me or not? (Your marketing strategy is totally different depending on this one answer!)
*Dena’s 8 Areas of Business:
#5. Sales: Do I (and my sales team) know how to have an authentic, effective conversion conversation and do I know how to turn my fans into paying customers?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: Do I make the desired revenue I want? Am I clear in my sales ‘language’/script/pitch such that it lands like a great solution that people want to buy? Am I clear in my tangibles and intangibles that I’m selling? Do I have a clear and powerful sales structure and strategy (pipeline plan) in place? Do I know how to give a great consultation and have a conversion conversation? Do I know how to invite people (gracefully and authentically) to work with me or buy from me? Do I know the buying signals? Do I focus on serving my wine and champagne clients? Do I know the top 4 quick ways to increase revenue?
#6. Quality Assurance: Do I retain my customers?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: Do people love to buy over and over again from me (year after year or product after product)? Do I offer services or products that people can buy over and over? Do people like referring business to me (if not why)? Do I have a consistent referral system? Do I have a system to ‘listen’ to my customers and work on the things that are not working? If I don’t retain customers do I know why? Do I keep serving customers with new/next services or products?
#7. Customer Service: Do I have a clear customer service ‘touch system’ such that every customer has the same great experience from start to finish?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: Do I have a person or system to take care of my customers well? Do I have a structure to ‘evaluate’ my customer’s issues/breakdowns? Do I have customer service systems in place or I’ll lose customers [and I’ll have to work hard to get more]? Do I have clarity in my customer touch point system (the customer experience?)? Do I make my customers feel loved and taken care of so they become raving fans?
#8. Administrative: Does my business run like a well-oiled machine day-to-day?
IF you do not, then here are questions to ask yourself: Do I have clarity around my touch point system (customer experience) and have that process in a manual to teach my employees/assistant? Do I stay in my strengths and greatness so I can delegate out someone to handle admin so that it doesn’t bog me down? Do I have a clear customer service and billing systems in place? Am I using technology (where appropriate) to automate and free up my time? Do I have time-saving systems, so I don’t have to be buried in all the “admin muck” of the business? Does my admin/assistant have a clear plan for daily and weekly structures/systems to follow to keep the well-oiled machine going?
Now, add up how many of the 8 answers you answered ‘yes’ to and see below..
Below see your scores…
- Answered 7-8 questions with yes? On fire year – I can help you stay at the top!
- Answered 5-6 questions with yes? Breakthrough year – I can help you keep focus!
- Answered 3-4 questions with yes? Growth year – I can help you grow!
- Answered 1-2 questions with yes? Beginning years – I can help you with it all!
What’s next?: Now choose one area from the quiz that is most important to you, and click below to book a Complementary 30-minute discovery session on Dena’s calendar! Want to read past client testimonials click here.
All coaches are not created equal

- Dena’s Brand Promise: To help you build; the systems to be a well-oiled company, the strategy to be a well-marketed company, and the greatness mindset to be a well-led company that makes the revenue and the difference you want.
- Dena’s options to support, coach & train entrepreneurs: two-hour VIP session, 1:1 weekly coaching, and VIP Days & Retreats
You are already doing great work, and having a coach will move you to the next level of success with much more velocity and clarity. You literally cut months, and sometimes years, off the learning curve so you can get to success faster.
Need a session with Dena now? Read more details here: